Happy 2022!

New Year, New Adventures!


1 min read

Hola folks!

Soooo... 2021 was a beast. I feel like that was a make-up year, since 2020 was actually a pretty good year for me. So the universe was like, "Oh I didn't forget to give you some misery/growth as well!" I say growth, because you can't really grow or get stronger without being broken down and given the ability to regrow better. But damnnnn I would have liked some sort of warning first.

So this year started off with me getting back to work after being off for a long time due to weird side effects of having covid over a year ago. A. Year. Ago. Like seriously... wtf? I can say this... covid is very real! It affected my body in so many different ways. I technically am not fully healed from all that it has caused. BUT! It did allow me to start paying attention to things I didn't realize could be an issue in the future. So as I see it, 2020 was the breaking down and rebuilding of my mental and spirit. While 2021 was the breaking down and rebuilding of my physical form. I honestly don't know what 2022 has for me, but I will welcome it regardless. If it's a reward from all the rebuilding, cool! If it happens to be another reconstruction year, that is cool as well. I do know that it has been some sort of wild ride these past couple of years.

So let me explain the blog pic. My pooch, Willow, had to have surgery on her patella at the end of last year. Technically that picture was from right after Christmas. So she is technically officially healed and acting like her energetic, spoiled self lol. She got her staples taken out at the start of the year. She couldn't wait to have that cone taken off. She was losing her mind LOL.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and here is to a very positive 2022! More life, more love and more creativity!