Long Time, No Post

My 2023 update...


8/25/20233 min read


Here I am again. I didn't die or anything, but so much has happened since the last post I made. I definitely neglected this and that is on me.

So let's see... what has happened since the beginning of 2022?

I will try to go off of memory (which I am sure I will miss something, too much has happened)

  • The plan to more out of Indiana that was postponed due to my crazy covid experiences took place.

  • I moved to Charlotte in March of 2022.

  • Immediately realized my allergies hulked up on me.

  • The cost of living there jumped up by like 20%. Fun times.

  • Jumped on the dating sites and realized the people down here are very different.

  • Got a new job.

  • Realized the apartment I was in was a secret shit show.

  • Hanging out with the friends I made in 2021 when I visited Charlotte the first time.

  • Met a really cool woman.

  • Celebrated my bday on the 27th of March.

  • Met some Xbox gaming friends for the first time.

  • Met some new cool people and some strange ones.

  • Hung out almost every day for like 2-3 months straight.

  • Got really familiar with the northeast and north side of Charlotte.

  • Had a huge back and forth with the apartment complex after my AC went out.

  • Broke my lease in June 2022.

  • Rented my first house in June 2022.

  • Got my scuba license.

  • Dived in the Keys and swam with sharks.

  • Had a friend and her daughter staying in the house with me for a bit.

  • Had family and friends coming in town to visit and stay here and there.

  • Started getting serious with the cool woman I found on Hinge.

  • Met some more really cool people.

  • Went back to Indiana for the first time since I moved with the cool woman.

  • Started a relationship with the cool woman. (Pictured above)

  • Hike some mountains.

  • My lingering back issues were found out to not be a spine issue but a muscle issue.

  • Had to stop playing basketball to focus on healing my back/glute muscles that were breaking down the nerves in my spine.

  • Lost my job in October 2022.

  • Hosted Thanksgiving with my lady and her family.

  • December 2022, Siris moves into my house.

  • Went back to Indiana for Christmas.

  • Got a new job in Jan 2023.

  • Making six figures for the first time.

  • Figured out the job was not what it was explained to be at all.

  • Had a major leak in the window of the house. It exposed the hidden mold in the walls.

  • Celebrated my milestone birthday and so many people came to celebrate and I got super tore up smh lol.

  • Lost my job in the most movie/TV scheming and dramatic way ever. My welcome to corporate America I guess.

  • Realized corporate America isn't really for me. (I knew this but still tried to play the game)

  • Got word my great grandmother was not doing well.

  • My great grandmother passes.

  • Went back to Indiana to bury her.

  • Moved out of my house and decided not to renew the lease due to the mold issues that would not get addressed properly.

  • Had our first anniversary with my lady.

  • Went on a road trip with my lady to see her friends and family in Chicago.

  • Decided to redo my website and start taking my art way more seriously!

Sooo.... I believe I got most of it, but I'm sure I'm missing some things. But it feels good to be back in my creative bag! I have so many ideas and plans in the works! Expect a post at least once a month. I will hold myself accountable to update the site and make sure I don't allow life to take me away from creating again!

I'll get up with you later ✌🏽